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Recap 69 Supplemental: The Hospitality of Nilbog

July 25, 2015

To Nilbog

After the skirmish with the Trogo goblins, the group returns to Gelfini to rest and recover before heading to the goblin den. With the rough map provided by the hobgoblin The Harper questioned, hopefully they will find Nilbog easily.

The party is greeted the next day by a battle-hardened knight. He introduces himself as Sir Gyles. The rest of the Motley Crew sent him to assist them with the goblin problem. After gathering their gear, the group sets off.

On the way, they encounter a couple of strange things. First, they come across an agitated bear being attacked by corrupted wolves, their bones jutting out of their hides. Luckily, the group is able to kill the warped wolves without getting hurt. Kurtis fills one of Jandove's emtpy waterskins with the green poison dripping from a wolf's teeth. It immediately shrivels up the leather container.

Next, they find a half-elf magick user and a half-orc fighter camping in the woods. They introduce themselves as Zelric and Shalboa. They are fleeing Armynth in the hopes of finding safety with one of the elf kingdoms in the south.

The Harper: It is good that you go. Love is worth fighting for.

Zelric:'re just friends.

The Harper: *nods*

The next morning, the group parts ways with their new friends. Jandove and Kurtis scout ahead, eventually finding the marked tree indicated on the hobgoblin's map. Hearing some rustling, Kurtis looks up and sees a goblin perched on a branch. Quietly drawing his bow, Kurtis kills the goblin, causing it to fall out of the tree.

Voice (in goblin): Snurri, why you fall?

Kurtis (in goblin) It's ok, guys. Just fell out of the tree.

Voice (in goblin): If this Snurri on ground, who saying they ok?

Kurtis: *giggle*

A fight ensues.

Delphine: I hate goblins! *rushes into the midst of battle*

The group kills all of the goblins save one for questioning. Fluent in goblin, Kurtis questions the captive.

Captured goblin: My name Nilferger. Two moons ago, hag named Crulicar come. Defeat leader, kill elders, kill priests. Give orders. Make attack merchants. Goblins, hobgoblins, ogres - all guard Crulicar.

Fearing reprisal, Nilferger is at first reluctant to aid them. But, he is soon convinced to at least get as many of his brethren out of the way when the Crew arrives so that fewer of his people are killed. They allow him to leave, trusting he will not betray them.

Backtracking until they are outside of the goblin woods, the party camps for the night. On the third watch, Sir Gyles sees a magnificent elk approaching the camp. Standing cautiously, Sir Gyles stares at the animal, afraid to startle it. After some time, the elk nods to the knight before turning and bounding off.

The remainder of the night passes uneventfully and the Crew set off for Nilbog at first light. As they near the marked tree, Wileu spots more goblins sitting in the trees. They can also hear a hobgoblin yelling at the goblins to stay alert. Clearly, the goblins had noticed that the guards stationed here the previous night were dead.

Not only were they on high alert, there were more of them. And they had brought wargs, too.

Despite this, with Kurtis' and Jandove's excellent archery skills, most of the goblins are dispatched quickly. Their victory is nearly perfect until Delphine steps onto a pit trap and is impaled on a wooden stake. The Harper heals her wounds with his usual warning that his method of healing will hurt. The pain is so excruciating, a shadow of it lingers even after the healing.

Arriving at the spot marked on the map as Nilbog, they are surprised to find no sign of a goblin village. But then Wileu notices that the large tree in the center of the grove is not a tree at all. It appears to be sculpted out of some material to look like a tree. Upon closer inspection, the elf finds a lever and pulls. The tree swings open to reveal a doorway and a set of stairs descending into the earth.

Following the steps, they enter a dark valley. All around and above them is the forest. At the heart of the valley is an island dotted with hunts and tents. In the center is a pen holding more of the corrupted wolves. The island is surrounded by a moat of green, mildew-scented acid.

At the foot of the stairs stand a pair of goblins looking out over the moat. Motioning the rest of the party to wait, Aoki slips silently down the remaining steps and kills the goblins before they even know she's there. From her closer vantage point, Aoki notices a seldom-used path winding down from the mountains on the far side of the village. Reporting her discovery to the group, they decide to use the trail for a stealthier entrance and retreat up the stairs.

To Nilbog via the Sneakier Route

The party walks south until they arrive at the foothills and see a path going up the mountain. Soon after they start up the mountain, they encounter a giant.

Giant: Oh ho! I will wear one of you as a necklace. You're adorable!

The Harper: Hold, friend. We would not make very good ornaments. But perhaps I could interest you in one of our many fine quality items. This torch, for instance! It is of the finest quality, crafted by the greatest of artisans. I'm sure one as discerning as yourself can easily see its beauty.

Giant: Oh, yes! I most certainly recognize its quality. A most generous gift.

The Harper: For such a friend, it is but a token. What is your name, friend?

Giant: (straightening proudly) I am Thunderboys! My brothers - they are also Thunderboys!

Kurtis: Are you loud? Would you like to shout at some goblins?

Thunderboys decides that he indeed would like very much to shout at some goblins so he follows them up the path and into the goblin village. Thunderboys is too large to navigate the pass Aoki saw so they leave him at the entrance. There, The Harper tells him to wait for "the signal".

Thunderboys: What's the signal?

Sir Gyles: Uh.."cockle-doodle-doo".

The Harper: Yes. That is ancient human for "This is the signal.".

Thunderboys: (nods solemnly) You have taught me much.

The Harper: We can only teach wisdom.

At the pass, the party prepares to rush towards the main hut. Aoki gives "the signal".

Thunderboys: Oh, goblins! I come to eat you!

And with that, their goblin accomplice plays his part, as well.

Nirferger: Brethren! The day we fear come now! Giants find us! Must flee!

Other than The Harper nearly dying twice (once by goblin priest and once by cats!!), the plan works fairly well in terms of limiting casualties. Inside the hut, they kill the two goblin priests guarding a manhole. Lowering themselves into the ground, the Crew encounter a pair of hobgoblins playing with a litter of cats. The cats clearly proved to be the greater challenge, but The Harper managed to win them over. In a manner of speaking.

Cats: You have fed us.

The Harper: Yes. And we have killed your minions. We should be friends.

Cats: Mmm...let's say...we shall tolerate you.

The Harper: Thank you. We will leave.

Cats: Already wish you were gone.

Continuing through the goblin den, the group finds more goblin priests, this time casting a spell on three ogres. Dispatching them, The Harper then uses his holy symbol to turn a few skeletons. Following the undead creatures, they finally find Crulicar, a shriveled witch of undetermined species. She is guarded by zombies, hobgoblins, and an ogre. Cackling, the hag strikes the floor with her staff, casting some sort of lightning spell that enlarges the hobgoblins and ogre. The spell also creates a shield, preventing Jandove's arrows from hitting her.

Unlike the skeletons, the zombies are unaffected by The Harper's holy symbol. Shaken, he declares that the normal path to the undead world is not there. The party has no choice but to engage the zombies directly. Delphine and Kurtis are able to kill a couple by exploding their heads.

One of the hobgoblins tries to attack Delphine, but instead of injuring the gnome, the hobgoblin critically injures itself. Aoki falls to the second hobgoblin.

Crulicar casts another spell, creating a stinking smoke. When the smoke clears, a slime monster is standing in her place. Sir Gyles attempts to attack it, but the slime melts his sword and armor, burning his skin. In the end, Delphine's acid arrows finish the creature. But was that creature Crulicar transformed or had the witch escaped?

Disappointed they were unable to win a decisive victory, the Crew searches the room for any clues. They find Crulicar's journal. Perhaps this will help them foil the hag's plots. For now, they have at least disrupted her control over the Trogo goblins.

Back to the bullet points

Tags: Aoki, Crulicar, Delphine, Jandove, Kurtis, Sir Gyles, Tala, The Harper of the North, Wileu

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