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Ssssee, egg-brotherssss and egg-sssisterssss. Look into the sssspheroid, and obssserve...
After killing the hydra, the mammalsss have decided to sssspend the night in the cave to recover. They are tired, and with good reasssson. The death of the hydra was a ssssignificant accomplissssment.
With the aid of our sssalamander and ssssome of our tribe, the interloper attacksss the mammalsss, taking the two that he wantsss, the onesss called Flerm and Alana. The othersss are left behind.
The monk called Ssssnow tried to follow them while the others dealt with the sssssalamander, but was sssslowed down by our magical wall of webbing. Using the abilities of his accursed ssssword to absorb the memories of its victimsss, Malouf the barbarian sssseeessss our cave in hisss mindsss eye. But before the mammalsss can pursue the interloper, they are ssssstopped at the mouth of the cave by the primitive people we usssse for chattel. Through a ssssseriessss of hand gestures, drawings, and attempts at ssssspeaking to them in Malouf'ssss native tongue, the mammalssss are able to get and idea of what the proto-humans wanted. These lowly people, in awe that the party had sssssslain the hydra, insssissst on taking the party back to their village. Back at the village, their elder, able to ssssspeak with Malouf, asksssss the party to help them retrieve an herb needed to cure their children of the redssssspot. The hill where the herbsssss grew isss guarded by Oonga, the great white giant ape. It issss alwaysss our pleasssure to watch mammalssss fight with each other!
Yessss, they are leaving the village, heading away from our nesssst. You may go and ressssst. I will continue the obsssservation alone.
Ahhh, you return. Good. While you were away, the mammalsssss fought sssssome white apessss and avoided ssssome dimetronssss and giant crocodilesssss. One of the halfling Josssy'ssss sssspellssss also protectsed the sssssleeping group from a giant owl on the hunt. Now they approach the hill of Oonga. Ah, they have devissssed a clever sssstrategy. Once at the hill, Ssssnow and Malouf lead the giant ape on a chasssse while the resssst of the party gather the unguarded herbsssss. Malouf attemptssss to incapacitate the ape, but failssss, and he and Ssssnow get ssssseparated. Meanwhile, as Brecaryn, Leiralyn, and Josy are gathering herbsssss, a giant ssssnake appearssss out of the grass, but the sssnake is controlled by Josssy'sss powerss. Yesssss, you are uncomfortable with her power to charm ssssnakesss. It is a violation of the reptilian brain. You musssst ssssurpresss thossse feelings for the presssent. Focussss on the ssssscrying. Malouf continuess to lead the ape away from the hill. Sssssnow, on her way to rejoin Malouf, sssspotts another great lizard in the distance. Ssssseeing an opportunity, sssshe gets the allosaurusss' attention, and leads it towards Malouf. Obssserve! The plan workssss! The two creatures sssssee each other, and their natural animosity distracted them from their sssssmall prey. They fall into the ravine, embraced in deadly combat. Oonga will ssssssurvive thisssss encounter, of courssssse. Now Brecaryn's owl appearssss, ssssignalling that the herb gathering isss complete. The party regroupsss and makess itssss way back to the village. With the information from the village elder on our location, the party ressssumessss itsss rescue misssion. They find their way to our cave, and are ambusssshed by our foward sssentriesss. However, they manage to fight through the ssssurprise attack. They fight through our home, killing our egg-brothersss and egg-sssistersssss, dessspite our magick webbing and illusionary multiplesss. And dessssssspite our hairy-men petssssss, which we create from our transsssformed chattel. They are continually sssssurprisssssed that we are prepared for them, not realizing on how many levelsssss they are obssssserved. The party finally locatesss their 2 missssssing comradesssss, but they also find the interloping drow who had taken them. They fought him and our armoured champion, quickly killing them both. It issss unfortunate that thissss drow issss only an envoy. If thessse mammalssss could be properly directed, they could be usssssed to rid usssss of both Drow and Kopru influencessssss. Flerm and Alana were cut free from the webbing encasssssing them, but they remain under the effect of the Drow poissson and are unconsscioussss. Ah... the party ssseeesss that Flerm and Alana's armor and belongings have alssssso been taken. They take the bait and continue ssssearching our home. Eventually they find their way down to the fire pitssss, and between the remaining forcesss and the ssssalamader, the party is hard presssed, but they prevail, aided greatly by the powerful itemsss that the wizard Brecaryn posssssesssssed. Fear not, though, my hatchmates, for ssshe has now depleted her resssourcesss. Our sssssspawn put up quite a fight, but they are ultimately defeated. Now they approach the nessssst'ss masssster orb. Their brainsssss are too sssssmall, too mammalian, and they can not withssstand the information that they are receiving. All except Brecaryn fall when they approach the orb. But Brecaryn'sss intellect is greater and ssshe is able to withssstand the effect, although sssshe does not truly underssstand what sssshe sssseeesss. Ssssurely her mind is aflood with images of ussss, and of the Kopru, and our sssstruglesss with thossssse evil ssssquidsss, and perhapsss her brain even dares to consssssider Yog-Ssssothoth. Interesssting too isssss the ssssspike we sssseee in Alana's brain patternssss. What could that mean? Could sssshe posssibly posssesss.... Ssssso! The feedback from Brecaryn'sss foreign brain isss too great, and asssss we expected, it dessstroysss the orb, removing our connection with them for the pressssent. We can assssume that the mammals have found their equipment and the more obviousssss piecesss of our nessstssss' treasssure. Sssurely they will sssurvive the treasssure chesssstsss' trapssss. Then they will likely take to sssquabbling amongssst themsssselves to determine who getsss to keep what, and then, thinking they are ssssssafe, will ssssspend the night in the cave. Dessspite their lack of organization, they have passssed the tesssst and they are worthy to ssserve ussss. They posssess artifactsss from all the major factionsssss and have ssssurvived our onsssslaught. Eventually they will make their way over the mountainssss and onto the Kopru plateau, where we will meet them before they face the Kopru....