Revived Flerm and Alana, left the Sleestack (lizard man) cave
Tip-toed through the mountains, past some rather large wasp nests
Got into a fight with some trolls on a rope bridge, fell a long distance into the river below, got swept down-river into a swamp.
Fought some more of those #@^#%! giant frogs
Had a nice conversation with an anklosaurus
Climbed up a water fall, fought some stone monsters
Found the remnants of an abandoned civilization - ivory ruins atop a large plateau. The plateau seemed entirely devoid of animal life - not even birds were seen.
In the center of the plateau was a still-standing temple surrounded by a pool of lava. Entered the temple.
Found a large statue of a creature's head in the foyer of the temple. Discovered that the head could be rotated with a dial and could be made to breathe fire with a lever.
Also found a strange room hidden below a secret area off the side of the foyer. The room contained six statues, which were determined to be a Sleestack, an elf (possibly Drow), a strange squid-like creature (later identified as a Kopru), a hooded skeleton (Ikenreich, the triple death), a beautiful woman (Dementhena), Goddess of Light), and a blobby creature with hundreds of mouths (Yog-Soggoth, eater of souls). A secondary search revealed thin grooves around the "necks" of each statue.
Encountered a female Sleestack who had been spying on the group. She revealed that they were engaged in a conflict with the "Kopru" and had tested the party in their cave and were now willing to help the party along. She provided a necklace to the group and then disappeared, providing very little information.
A portion of the corridor floor collapsed and some of the party fell into the dark stagnant water below.
Malouf and Brecaryn, explored the under water area, and after being infected by water parasites, opened up a section of the underwater corridor, turning the stagnant water into a gushing underground river.
Separated from the group, Malouf and Brecaryn explored some of the lower level, almost meeting their deaths to some fire basilisks, and then finding a way to shut off the water.
Found some information that showed a circle of dominance with the "major factions" and "minor factions". There is a clear hierarchy amongst the major factions. The party determined which assets they had that could be used to defeat each of the major factions. Malouf felt a sinking feeling when he realized that his sword was used as the symbol for Yog-Soggoth, the eater of souls.