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Recap 7 (March 23rd, 2002)

Happy anniversary! It's been 1 year since your party was originally captured and put together.

Key Accomplishments:

  • Helped Spinner find a piece of the Sword of Cervantes, cleared out Cervantes' cursed swamp cave.
  • Broke up child-slavery ring. Become heroes of NW Chumera
  • Broke up goblin raiders, secured North-western Chumeran trade routes
  • Located the diary of Straub, cleared out Straub's haunted mansion
  • Discovered the final fate of Kurgan, Shelia, Pelanor, and Balin the Brave
  • Freed the swamp barbarians from Skarda's wizard-slaves, and ruined whatever scheme Skarda had planned involving a fire elemental.
  • Captured by orcs. Loss of Lashtal's lute heirloom and Venetto's dog.
  • Banned from Betaya
  • Death of Raistlin by werebats and belladona poisoning. Incurred major debt for resurrection.
  • Defeat by orc army. Maiming of Leento and disfiguring of Chyekk. Final loss of Lashtal's lute heirloom.
  • Death of Leento by trolls in Malta Forest. Incurred obligation to the priest of Trinot.
  • Apparent betrayal by Raistlin
  • Loss of the jade elephant
  • Banned from Yokel


While mopping up after the fight with the wizards and the fire elementals, Venetto and Chyekk were confronted by a wizard who told Chyekk that while he had foiled his plans for this day, the dwarf would serve him in the future.

The main group of barbarians opted to stay in the wizard's chamber to rest while the party, with Malouf joining them, cleaned out the mines. The group ambushed a group of wizards and gargoyles, but were themselves ambushed by a man in all black. The group eventually killed him as well, and Arkospixi took his boots, cloak, and sword.

The party was escorted through the woods by Morwyn's elves, but upon leaving the woods, Chyekk immediately charged southwest. The rest of the group chased him and eventually caught him, and he revealed that his pearl from the priest of Trinot had placed a geas on him and he was to travel to Endripor Woods and enter the mines of the orcs where they had first met Malekith.

Leento summoned horses for the group and they eventually made it to the mines (Leento, traveling at Ursa's pace, fell behind the main group and had an encounter with an ogre and some goblins). The party decended into the depths of the mines, and found that the mines were nothing ordinary.

The walls and floor were made out of a strange, translucent, bubbily material. Within the bubbles were curled up, unmoving creatues with the bodies of lobsters and the heads of moles. Additionally, the party occasionally heard giggling, or bells, and Malouf kept having visions and passing out. Throughout the tunnels, the party encountered powerful but mindless orcs that had traces of the strange silvery powder that was apparently being mined.

The group also encountered a tricky creature known as a water weird, and, after Leento learned how to banish it, found a pair of boots that aided one in dodging against missle weapons. After fighting off Maloufs attemps to destry them, Snow wore the boots.

The group also found a statue of a frog. While examining it, Lashtal put her dagger in its mouth and the mouth closed tightly, despite having no hinges. After struggling to pull it out, she found that a layer of metal had been removed from the blade, seemingly revealing a glowing blue layer underneath.

Eventually the party came across a glass coffin, with the body of a tiny pixie warrior within. On top of the coffin was a note from Malekith explaining that he had been trying to open the coffin with no luck (and at the cost of two of his men's lives), and when he sensed Lashtal's party approaching, he withdrew, not seeking a conflict at this time. Chyekk's pearl was glowing in sync with something on the pixie's body, so Chyekk risked lifting the lid of the coffin and it opened with no difficulty. An apparition of the pixie appeared, noting that the time for seeking his body was right since the unicorns were in grave danger. It then disappeared. The glowing thing within the coffin turned out to be a pearl carving of a unicorn, hung as a neckace. The party took it, and Lashtal took the pixie's sword as well, to be used as a dagger.

The party was ready to leave the mines after investigating a final room that contained a frog-man statue holding a goldent trident (taken) and some small but poisonous frogs, but Snow became curious as to how water could have entered the mine and convinced Malouf to help her move the frog-man statue. Pushing on the statue caused it to fall and break, but behind the statue was a large hole leading into a seemingly natural cavern...

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