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- Sir Gyles, how does it feel to now be considered the "grizzled veteran" instead of the new guy?
- Even half-elves and half-orcs should be allowed to find love.
- Delphine hates goblins so much, she'll risk falling into a pit trap to get at them.
- Following in the tradition of the old Motley Crew, this new group makes friends with a goblin named Nilferger and a giant. We are all Thunderboys!
- Goddamned cats! They'd as soon kill ya as look at ya.
- Crulicar created zombies that can't be turned! What the hell!
Click here for a detailed retelling of the events.
Tags: Aoki, Crulicar, Delphine, Jandove, Kurtis, Sir Gyles, Tala, The Harper of the North, Wileu
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